Friday, March 9, 2007

Bike Lust

There are some amazing things coming out of the North American Handmade Bike Show. The great thing about the show is that it combines ridable bikes with works of pure art. For bike freaks, like me, it's a wonderland.

This bike weighs 7 pounds. Let me say that again, this entire bike weighs 7 pounds.

Check out this concept bike. As hot as it looks from the side, it looks more amazing head-on.

Calfee makes some very high-end carbon fiber bikes. He also does things to amuse himself. Here is a bike made out of bamboo. It's a recurring theme with Calfee, he's been making (rideable!) bamboo bikes for years. And yes, those are real bullhorn handlebars. For real amusement from Calfee, however, check this out. Personally, I think the "Spider Bike" is butt-ugly, but it takes all types. Here and here are two more views of the bike.

Independent Fabrications has always made really cool steel bikes. Here is a simply amazing pursuit bike.

But, if I had to pick just one bike to actually ride around on, this would be the one. Very utilitarian, I like it.

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