Monday, March 12, 2007

Now THAT'S a letter!

Henry Waxman wrote to Condi Rice today.

Our system of govemment is based on checks and balances. Congress has an obligation to ask tough questions of the Executive Branch, and the Executive Branch has an obligation to respond. Refusing to allow officials to testify before Congress, as the Department did in the case of Ambassador Timothy Camey on February 6, 2007, or ignoring congressional requests for information, as you apparently ignored my inquiries, are not consistent with our constitutional system of government.

l realize that there are great demands on your time and that your preference may be to not revisit the issues the Committee is raising. But the fact that four years has passed since my March 17, 2003, letter does not lessen the obligation you have to respond or Congress' responsibility to conduct competent oversight. Just the opposite is true. The long delay in responding makes it even more important that you provide the Committee a complete response to these legitimate and important inquiries.

More like this please.

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