Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This could be the big one

It could be "game-on"!:

The White House will allow the president's top political adviser, Karl Rove, and former White House counsel Harriet Miers to be interviewed by congressional committees investigating how the firing of several U.S. attorneys was handled, but they will not testify under oath in the matter.

"We would be able to interview the four people we requested ... but only in private, not under oath and with no transcript," [Schumer] said.

Since Leahy told the world on Sunday that he was tired of being told lies and half-truths, it'll be interesting to see if he has the balls to tell the administration that it's under oath or it's bullshit. This is going to be a good test to see if the Dems really are interested in exercising power and oversight or if they'll simply shy away from a fight again (as they've done repeatedly in the past). They've got the power, and to repeat a soon-to-be infamous phrase, why have it if they aren't going to use it?

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