Thursday, March 15, 2007


They're STILL lying (unbelievable, I know). From ABC News:

New unreleased e-mails from top administration officials show that the idea of firing all 93 U.S. attorneys was raised by White House adviser Karl Rove in early January 2005, indicating Rove was more involved in the plan than the White House previously acknowledged. The e-mails also show that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales discussed the idea of firing the attorneys en masse while he was still White House counsel, weeks before he was confirmed as attorney general. The e-mails directly contradict White House assertions that the notion originated with recently departed White House counsel Harriet Miers, and was her idea alone.

I added the emphasis. So busted. So fucking busted. Now is when it starts getting interesting because they're now starting to throw each other to the lions.

Elections have consequences. POPCORN please!

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