Yes, it's back again, Pet Peeve Friday!
Today, my pet peeve is liberal bloggers looking for intellectual honesty and consistency from those on the right - it isn't going to happen.
For example, this whole Pelosi is wearing a headscarf thing. They can post as many pics as they want of Laura Bush wearing a headscarf and it won't make a bit of difference - they don't care if they are being consistent and they are too shameless to feel even a small desire to be.
When you point out that Republicans do the same thing you reduce the argument to "everyone does it" (which is different from "it's the right thing to do"), and all it does is help their cause. Remember, they HATE government, and the more that can be done to make government look corrupt and inept helps their cause of milking the government for all that they can. They want to breed cynicism in the general population and "everybody does it" is designed to do just that.
Instead, they should be treated with scorn and amusement, after all has any one group been more wrong about more things in less time?
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