Wednesday, May 16, 2007

More Landis

Landis is in the middle of his arbitration hearing. It could last up to 10 days. If he loses, he loses his TdF championship and is suspended for 2 years.


  1. According to Rule 23 of the American Arbitration Commercial Rules for Arbitration, testimony at hearings can be taken under oath. Either Floyd is innocent or he's pulling one hell of a bluff. If he has to testify under oath, then the bluff will be that much more significant.

    R-25. Oaths

    Before proceeding with the first hearing, each arbitrator may take an oath of office and, if required by law, shall do so. The arbitrator may require witnesses to testify under oath administered by any duly qualified person and, if it is required by law or requested by any party, shall do so.

  2. Ummm...I meant 25. Rule 23 says that he has to show up.
