about the Apple iPhone. Sorry, I just don't. When I first read about it, I thought it was waaay expensive and other than the scrollable voicemail, didn't really offer anything new.
The first time I saw an iPhone commercial I was blown away, but then again I'm generally blown away by Apple ads. By the 1,000th time I saw the iPhone commercial (24 hours later) I started to feel some resentment.
Now? Resentment at watching the same commercial over and over again has turned to boredom. I'm left with my initial impressions - way expensive and not much new.
Then again, I was a few years late to the iPod too, so take my opinions with a grain of salt.
Do you think that your son's eyes roll when you write stuff like this?
ReplyDeleteBTW, I was impressed that AT&T priced voice and data service for the iPhone at $60/month. I'm still not getting one right now.