Friday, August 17, 2007

Not a good day for Rudy

Sick, exaggerating son-of-a-bitch:

A complete record of Mr. Giuliani’s exposure to the site is not available for the chaotic six days after the attack, when he was a frequent visitor. But an exhaustively detailed account from his mayoral archive, revised after the events to account for last-minute changes on scheduled stops, does exist for the period of Sept. 17 to Dec. 16, 2001. It shows he was there for a total of 29 hours in those three months, often for short periods or to visit locations adjacent to the rubble. In that same period, many rescue and recovery workers put in daily 12-hour shifts.

So, maybe he misspoke last week? No:

And in September 2006, The Associated Press quoted him as saying of ground zero, “I spent as much time here as anyone,” and then adding, “I was here five, six times a day for four months. I kind of thought of it as living here.”

That kind of takes the whole, "What I meant was the initial 4 days..." argument. How does his office respond to this information? Like this:

“Hundreds of thousands of people around the country and the world saw Rudy Giuliani’s steadfast and determined leadership firsthand at a time when we needed it most,” the statement said. “In the days surrounding September 11th, the safety and health of all those involved in the search and recovery efforts was Mayor Giuliani’s No. 1 one priority. Make no mistake, it is the very same concern Mayor Giuliani continues to express today when it comes to all those who have made tremendous sacrifices at ground zero.”

For those of you who need a bullshit to English translation, it means (roughly), "Whoa, when the fuck did you start fact-checking shit?"

He is a bad, bad man. I don't care how much the media loves him, his story, his jackboots. I still maintain that there is no way he wins the nomination, and I personally intend to sit around with a great big bowl of popcorn as I watch him go down in flames.

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