Monday, August 6, 2007

A pox on both their houses

I can't believe this:

President Bush signed into law on Sunday legislation that broadly expanded the government’s authority to eavesdrop on the international telephone calls and e-mail messages of American citizens without warrants. Congressional aides and others familiar with the details of the law said that its impact went far beyond the small fixes that administration officials had said were needed to gather information about foreign terrorists. They said seemingly subtle changes in legislative language would sharply alter the legal limits on the government’s ability to monitor millions of phone calls and e-mail messages going in and out of the United States.

Have they learned nothing in the last 6 years? Have they not gotten through their thick skulls that (1) no matter what they do, Republicans are going to call them soft on terror, (2) traditional norms don't constrain this administration, but one hope we have had is that their behavior is was illegal and therefore prosecutable by someone, sometime?

No, they've learned nothing. Instead they surrender, pumping themselves up with smoke (a six month sunset provision) and mirrors (an alternative bill introduced AFTER the current one passed). 6 months from now is February 2008, right at the beginning of the primary cycle. If they are so afraid of being called weak now, imagine the fright they'll feel in February once the noise machine really starts cranking up.

This morning, I am disgusted.


  1. Despite being a liberal voter I generally hold the Democrats in pretty low esteem. But even I found this vote heartbreaking.

    How could the Dems do it? How?

    And as you said, it's not even going to get them any points in the next election cycle.

    America lost on this one, and the politicians won.

  2. FYI- here's an interesting analysis of how/why the Dems allowed this terrible law to pass.

    The short of it: legislative bungling.
