Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hi Rudy, remember Alan?

You should. Rudy:

We knew that Rudy eventually had Judi Nathan assigned her own NYC police security detail. Now it seems that while their affair was still a secret and while Rudy was still married, he set his mistress up with her own personal driver and NYC-taxpayer funded car to get around town.


State Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi today quit his post and pleaded guilty to a single felony charge after arranging a deal with prosecutors that will spare him prison time.
His decision to step down came as Albany prosecutors were preparing to ask a grand jury to indict him on charges of defrauding the government and on other felonies stemming from his use of state employees as chauffeurs and aides to his wife, a law enforcement official said, charges that could have yielded a prison sentence had he been convicted.

I wish I could say that this would end his campaign, but I've called more ends to his campaigns than market crashes and the continuation of both is starting to make me look silly. But this really should end his campaign.


Oh well, this is why there are professionals out there:
Again, this is preliminary and we're in touch with experts on New York law. But the law that snagged Hevesi applies to state officials, not all public officials in the state of New York. So even though Rudy did something considerably more egregious we're pretty sure the law simply doesn't apply to him as a city elected official (probably a case where the diminutive nature of his office is something he's thankful for).

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