Thursday, January 3, 2008


I have to admit that I am surprised that Obama won. I wonder what this will do for him, especially in New Hampshire next Tuesday. As of now it looks like Hillary is going to finish 3rd which is disaster for her from a PR perspective. I don't think that Edwards can do much beyond Iowa, but who knows.

Huckabee won big, but I don't think it's going to matter at all. I don't think he has the money to compete going forward, and I can't see him doing well in CA, FL, NY, or even PA for that matter. I think the big news on the Rep. side is that Thompson finished 3rd.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not as surprised (although I didn't predict it). It's a pretty liberal Democratic primary. The war is still on people's minds. Hillary voted to authorize force. The O-man still has a tough road to ride. If he's smart, he'll drink lots of Jack and beer to keep his endurance up.
