Wednesday, August 8, 2007

More FISA thoughts

Lithwick brings up something else:

With this FISA vote, the Democrats have compromised the investigation into the U.S. attorney scandal. They've shown themselves either to be participating in an empty political witch hunt or curiously willing to surrender our civil liberties to someone who has shown—time and again—that he cannot be trusted to safeguard them. The image of Democrats hypocritically berating the attorney general with fingers crossed behind their backs is ultimately no less appalling than an attorney general swearing to uphold the Constitution with fingers crossed behind his own.

Jim Webb voted yes on this. That surprised me. I guess it shouldn't given his history and all, but I would have bet that Webb would be seeking to restrain the administration a bit.

Here are the 16 Dems who voted for it: Evan Bayh, Thomas Carper, Bob Casey, Kent Conrad, Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Inouye, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln, Claire McCaskill, Barbara Mikulski, Ben Nelson, Bill Nelson, Mark Pryor, Kenneth Salazar, Jim Webb

John Kerry didn't vote. Asshole.

No Republicans voted against it. Dick Lugar, Trent Lott and John McCain all didn't vote. Isn't it amazing how many votes McCain is missing these days? At what point do we start to ask him why.

Lieberman voted in favor. Surprise. I hope he gets his... whatever he's trying to position himself for.

Susan Collins voted in favor. Tom Allen must be smiling.

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