Thursday, August 9, 2007


Wonder what this is all about:

Tour de France winner Alberto Contador has scheduled a press event this Friday in Spain, but says he will decline to answer reporters' questions after he reads a prepared statement. Contador issued a release Wednesday notifying media of his plans to read a statement at the offices of Spain's national sports council - the Consejo Superior de Deportes - in Madrid.

I'm assuming it's Puerto-related stuff, but these days who the hell knows.

In other news, another Astana rider has come up positive for blood doping. Must be Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. "The positive test by Kasheckin is another blow to the credibility of this team," said an Astana spokesperson. "This new blow will only embolden us to impose even more draconian measures for a clean sport."

    I knew that they were dirty despite your repeated defenses of the team.

    What about T-Mobile? They said that they're going to continue their sponsorship but reserve the right to cancel immediately if there's another doping scandal. Think that puts a little pressure on the riders?

    And what about George joining the team?

    Interesting stuff.
