Friday, January 11, 2008

Interesting Rudy POV

Haven't had a good Rudy-bashing in a while, it seems that he's doing a good enough job of that himself these days (his 9/11 Tourette's is reaching truly amazing proportions). That said, here is an interesting take on Rudy via TPM:

The conventional wisdom on Rudy's Super Tuesday "strategy" has been universally described as "risky" and occasionally "crazy." To me this provides a direct window into his judgement and how he would govern as President and it's not a flattering picture. Is he the kind of president who would go with a high risk, high reward strategy all the time? It sure gives me pause. I'm surprised the other candidates have not used this as a way to paint Rudy as a risky or crazy choice for President. It could dovetail with some of his other judgement problems like Bernie Kerik & dealing with his ex-wives & children. Poor judgement is not just limited to Bernie Kerik. His whole election strategy suffers from poor judgement as well.

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