Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Now THAT's a market movement - Part 2

Intrade had a huge reversal based on New Hampshire. Obama to 40 from about 70 yesterday, Clinton to 59 from about 30. More volatility than the DJIA.

FWIW: Bill Richardson is also running behind Al Gore on Intrade. Time to drop out when you fall behind people who aren't even running.


  1. Apparently, yesterday afternoon, $2 would have bought you a contract for Hillary winning the NH primary. That contract was worth $100 by the end of the day yesterday.

    A $200 investment would have been turned into $10,000.

    Question: Isn't this online gambling? Didn't Congress recently ban online gambling? Can you use US credit cards on intrade? Why haven't I seen discussion regarding the legality of this thing? Can I buy a contract stating that Carolina will go to the Final Four?

  2. Krugman weighed in today:

    "From inevitability to pitiful failure to front-runner again in just a few days. There’s no hint that the market saw either Iowa or New Hampshire coming, or knew anything beyond the bloviations of the talking heads."
