Thursday, October 4, 2007


Calmed down a bit. Here are my thoughts.

I was elated in November when the Democrats won both the House and the Senate. Finally, we could begin to have some oversight! We could begin to stop the damage being done to America on a daily basis by an out-of-control administration! We could begin to hold people accountable! That's gone, all gone now.

It's been almost a year and what exactly has changed? Gonzalez is gone. Big deal, we're still torturing people, still disappearing people. We're still politicizing the law and all of our institutions. FISA's been gutted and we're on the verge of granting retroactive immunity to telecoms who cooperated with the government. We still have no idea how often or how deeply our government is spying on us. We're still in Iraq and it looks like we'll be there forever. We still don't know why we invaded, don't know where the intelligence went wrong, don't know how many Iraqis we're killing, don't know how much we're paying mercenary firms like Blackwater, don't know what types of provocations we're launching at Iran. We don't know how our soldiers are outfitted and equipped, don't know what the toll on them and their families is, don't know if their care is improving. We still don't know where Osama is and we don't seem to care.

SCHIP got passed and vetoed. Dems need about 16 votes to override which they won't get - they haven't got the balls to get the votes.

I am truly disgusted right now. I thought Dems were better than this. I was wrong.

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